About Lotus Lake International School

  • Is Lotus Lake International School recognized/affiliated?
  • Will Lotus Lake International School provide the marks sheet and Transfer Certificate?
  • What does Lotus Lake International School stand for?
  • If I continue with Lotus Lake International School, should I still send my child to a physical school?
  • Is Lotus Lake International School only for home-schooling?
  • My physical school also conducts online classes. How is Lotus Lake International School different?
  • Is Lotus Lake International School a Minority School?
  • Who are the Founders of Lotus Lake International School?
  • What is the purpose of Lotus Lake International School?
  • Why is Lotus Lake International School called Lotus Lake International School?

About Academics

  • Is there a basis for the promotion of students to the next Grade at the end of the academic year?
  • What about inter-class or inter-school competitions?
  • How will I know my child is learning?
  • How will my child read books, as there is no library?
  • How will Sports / Games be conducted?
  • What will my child learn additionally compared to physical School?
  • I study in a physical school, but the textbooks are different. How can I cope with Lotus Lake?
  • What are Remedial Sessions?
  • What are enrichment classes?
  • What are activity-based and experiential learning? How will it be delivered online?
  • How much homework will the students have in a day?
  • In School, my child develops several values and life skills. Will Lotus Lake be able to do the same?
  • What about discipline?
  • What happens if my child is unable to do his homework?
  • How will examinations be conducted?
  • Who will supervise the students during exams at home? What if the students copy the answers from the internet?
  • Will there be writing work?
  • What about picnics and excursions?
  • What is a digital portfolio?
  • What curriculum do you follow in Pre-Primary (Nursery to KG2)?
  • What are the prime areas of development?
  • What curriculum do you follow in Primary (Grades 1 to 5) and Middle (Grade 6 to 8)?
  • What is the medium of instruction?
  • Do you offer a Third Language?
  • Do you offer a Foreign Language?

How it Works

  • What is the Student’s Learning Kit?
  • When will the parents get the learning kit?
  • I am worried about loneliness or lack of socialization.
  • Is Lotus Lake International School secured and safe?
  • Will my data be protected?
  • Are your teachers part-time or full-time?
  • How do you recruit your teachers?
  • Are the teachers well qualified and trained?
  • I am worried about screen time and its effect on a child’s health
  • Are three to four hours of live classes sufficient for Grades 1-8? Traditional Schools have a minimum of six hours and ten minutes duration.
  • How will I keep my child engaged the whole day if the classes are only for three hours?
  • How can my child attend live classes when I am not at home?
  • Is the requirement of an adult attending the live classes with a child essential?
  • The Batches have fixed timing. But, you claim anytime, anywhere learning. How is that possible?
  • How many students will be there in my child’s classroom session?
  • How many hours of live classes will the students be required to attend?
  • What if my child missed any of the live classes?
  • How do I report a leave of absence?
  • How can I speak to the Principal / Teachers?
  • How do I give feedback about teachers?
  • Will there be a PTM?
  • What kind of computer system or device will I need at home?
  • Do I need a printer at home?
  • Who will correct worksheets or check the homework?
  • Will I get a Progress Report Card?
  • Will the Lotus Lake International School celebrate festivals and other important days?
  • Will the School conduct assemblies or daily prayers?
  • Is there a uniform or dress code for live sessions?
  • Would students have access to each other’s contact details or personal information?
  • What if I share my user ID and password with someone else?
  • What are the Batch Size and Timings?
  • Can I change the Batch?
  • Is Saturday a working day for School?
  • Will the teachers give personal attention to my child?


  • Is Lotus Lake open for students residing outside India?
  • Is the fee refundable?
  • Is Lotus Lake International School for me? How do I decide?
  • How can I pay the fees?
  • How can I enroll my child?
  • I have twins. Do I need to enroll each child separately?
  • My child and her cousin are in the same class. Can they attend live classes together?
  • In case I am not satisfied with the program, how can I discontinue?
  • Can I enroll my child in the middle of the academic year?
  • Can I enroll only for some subjects?
  • What are the positive benefits of home-schooling through Lotus Lake?
  • Will I get admission to a traditional school after one year of home-schooling?


  • What is home-schooling?
  • Are Online Schools the future?
  • What is Blended Learning?
  • What is Flipped Learning?